Tampere Wedding & Celebration Exhibition

Best ideas and services for event planning since 1994

Tampere Wedding & Celebration Exhibition will be organised for the 30th time in 2025.

Between February 1–2 2025, Tampere Wedding & Celebration Exhibition offers its visitors an extensive selection of products and services related to weddings and other festive events. You will find, among other things, small and large venues, catering and party services, bridal and festive wear, rings and other jewellery, beauty products and services, crafting supplies and ideas, and wedding music offerings. The event programme offers tips and ideas for the different stages of party arrangements.

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Shows and exhibitions are the most interesting numbers every year

One absolute top attraction at the Tampere Wedding & Celebration Exhibition is a fashion show that presents the latest and greatest in bridal and festive wear.
In addition, the event displays table settings and bouquets for visitors to pick up ideas for their own parties and to vote for the best-looking arrangements.

Häämessut 2019

Products and services for weddings and other festivities

For bridal couples and people planning parties, the event offers tips and useful information to carry out events and, first and foremost, great contacts to businesses providing their products and services.

Exhibitors incl.

- Exhibitors 2025 -

In cooperation with:

Best ideas and services for event planning since 1994

Between February 1–2 2025, Tampere Wedding & Celebration Exhibition offers its visitors an extensive selection of products and services related to weddings and other festive events. You will find, among other things, small and large venues, catering and party services, bridal and festive wear, rings and other jewellery, beauty products and services, crafting supplies and ideas, and wedding music offerings. The event programme offers tips and ideas for the different stages of party arrangements.

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Opening hours

Saturday 31.01.2026 10:00-17:00
Sunday 01.02.2026 10:00-17:00